Christopher J. Russell BSc, RAc, developed Pacific Bone Water liniment as a joint collaboration with Medical Herbalist Katrina G. Forgues, Dip. Phytotherapy, as an answer to the lower quality topical formulas available in Canada that they were both familiar with from use in Chris’s Lake Country Acupuncture practice, CJR Acupuncture, where he predominately treats pain, injury and sports related performance issues.

After creating the product and refining it over several batches Chris began to realize that the benefits his patients were receiving should be shared with his colleagues across Canada. So began the journey of turning Pacific Bone Water into a nationally recognized herbal liniment.

Chris drew from his former experience as a professional chemist and Katrina’s herbal expertise to bring Canadian practitioners a high quality medicinal grade herbal liniment.

Our hope and intention is to extend the healing we provide as practitioners within the clinic to our patients at home by giving them a tool to help with rehabilitation and recovery that they can count on to reduce the use of unnatural products and narcotics to manage their symptoms.

We are proud to produce Pacific Bone Water in Canada and are very thankful for everyone who has purchased, used and supported our dream of sharing this wonderful product. Thank you for taking the time to read our story.

-Chris and Katrina